Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My top 3 =]

The three most important people in my life....

            First off, of course my mother. She is about 5'2, very skinny, with long, thin, highlighted light brown hair. She is very loud and energetic. She can always be the life of the party. She is a single mother of four kids. She works all day and sometimes all week juss so she can make some money for us to spend. She's always worrying about us, and making sure she is able to provide us with everything we need to succeed in life. She is always putting my siblings and I before her. She is always there when you need her, and she can be very caring at times. Without my mother's help and support, I would not  be the person I am today. I wouldn't know how I would be where I am today without her. My mom is one of the only people I can really count on in my life. I know that when I need her most, she won't walk out on me. Overall, the main reason as to why my mother is important in my life is because she raised me and has been there for me my whole life.

            The second important person in my life, (in no particular order) is my grandpa on my mother's side. He was always there to pick me up from elementary school when I was young. He was always there to take care of me when my mom was at work. He would always buy me something from the liquor store and give me money for the ice cream man. He would make sure I was always as happy as I can be. He looked out for me all the time when my brothers would try and pick on me. I would go crying to him, and then he would grab a broom and chase my brothers around the house trying to find them. They would always hide from my grandpa, he wouldn't hit them with the broom, but they were scared of him when I told on them. I was his favorite grandkid. =) He was more of a father figure to me. I loved him with all of my heart, and he loved me too. R.I.P Grandpa. <3

             Now, the last important person in my life(in no particular order) is not a family member, but my best friend, Sidney Walker. She has always, and I mean always been there for me when I was just bored and wanted to do something, or when I needed someone to talk to. She was always there when my other "so-called" friends walked out on me. She has been there through the thick and thin, the good and bad, and the ups and downs. She is the one person I can always talk to, and just sit on the phone and talk about nothing. I can always have a good time just hanging out with her even if were just watching T.V., play any kind of board games, or just sitting there doing nothing. I care about her more than basically any of my friends, only because I know I can count on her whenever I need anything. I know that me and her will always be friends, even in the long future.


  1. your grandpa reminds me of mine....always giving me something for no reason and always looking out for us

  2. You are blessed to have such a true friend in Sidney. Friends like her are rare and I hope that your friendship will last forever.

  3. You are so lucky to know your grandpa, I unfortunately never met mine.

  4. you know i have one or two friends that are close enough to be family as well. they are a rare breed of people.

  5. Your luck to have that friend I gave up on the whole best friend title

  6. Oh girl, I love it! From the stories you told me about her, I already know shes someone who has my respect for her hard work...raising YOU! :) jk. But your grandpa sounds like a great person, never really grew up with one, but it sounds great. And your true friend Sidney? You guys are something else. I always thought she was one of those "crazy" people till I got to know her through you, she won my respect too! <3 love it!

  7. Your friend Sidney is just like my best friend. It's nice having one of those friends that are always there for you.

  8. My mother is sort of the same way your mother is spontaneous and energetic, sometimes it's suprising how energetic parents can be. Your grandfather sounds like he was very good to you, he sound like if he was a great person. Your friend sounds to be kind and understanding, I used to have close friends, but there is so little people that understand you. You seem to be surrounded by good people.

  9. It's nice to always have a mom that's there for you.

  10. It's great that you have that one true close friend. I personally have found that i can't have one of those but you give me that hope that these kinds of strong friendships really do exist.

  11. Blog Props: Your blog is one that i would read weekly, even if i dont comment on it. Your unlike many kids my age who are wrapped up in themselves and it was a great experience to get to know you, if not in person then through your blog.

  12. blog props! your blog was definitely enjoyable, though i didnt comment much, i did read it. good job and good luck on everything!
