Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My top 3 =]

The three most important people in my life....

            First off, of course my mother. She is about 5'2, very skinny, with long, thin, highlighted light brown hair. She is very loud and energetic. She can always be the life of the party. She is a single mother of four kids. She works all day and sometimes all week juss so she can make some money for us to spend. She's always worrying about us, and making sure she is able to provide us with everything we need to succeed in life. She is always putting my siblings and I before her. She is always there when you need her, and she can be very caring at times. Without my mother's help and support, I would not  be the person I am today. I wouldn't know how I would be where I am today without her. My mom is one of the only people I can really count on in my life. I know that when I need her most, she won't walk out on me. Overall, the main reason as to why my mother is important in my life is because she raised me and has been there for me my whole life.

            The second important person in my life, (in no particular order) is my grandpa on my mother's side. He was always there to pick me up from elementary school when I was young. He was always there to take care of me when my mom was at work. He would always buy me something from the liquor store and give me money for the ice cream man. He would make sure I was always as happy as I can be. He looked out for me all the time when my brothers would try and pick on me. I would go crying to him, and then he would grab a broom and chase my brothers around the house trying to find them. They would always hide from my grandpa, he wouldn't hit them with the broom, but they were scared of him when I told on them. I was his favorite grandkid. =) He was more of a father figure to me. I loved him with all of my heart, and he loved me too. R.I.P Grandpa. <3

             Now, the last important person in my life(in no particular order) is not a family member, but my best friend, Sidney Walker. She has always, and I mean always been there for me when I was just bored and wanted to do something, or when I needed someone to talk to. She was always there when my other "so-called" friends walked out on me. She has been there through the thick and thin, the good and bad, and the ups and downs. She is the one person I can always talk to, and just sit on the phone and talk about nothing. I can always have a good time just hanging out with her even if were just watching T.V., play any kind of board games, or just sitting there doing nothing. I care about her more than basically any of my friends, only because I know I can count on her whenever I need anything. I know that me and her will always be friends, even in the long future.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Thoughts on FFN=]

Before reading Fast Food Nation, I thought that it was just going to be about every fast food company and how successful they’ve become. I never thought that it would get into gruesome details about how the food that we eat is prepared so badly. I’m glad that we read this book; it opened my eyes to a lot of the stuff that I eat. It makes me think about the animals and how they were treated, which makes me upset. Just like the trees in the rainforest, or the oil we have, people who work in slaughter houses feel as though there are so many cows, that they are able to do anything to them and not have to worry about the end result.
This book affected me in many ways. Not only by changing my diet, but also thinking about the animals that are being horribly treated and basically sacrificed for our nasty eating habits. I think that I am going to try and really cut down on a lot of fast food and eat more healthily. I still cannot believe that the cows and pigs that we consume, consumed dead animals and feces themselves. It disgusts me to such and extent to where every time I eat fast food, I think about eating dead, rotten, nasty animals and their poop. I think that these fast food industries should just stop worrying about the quantity, and start worrying about the quality. If all they care about is the quantity and not quality, their food is going to cause all of their customers to get horribly sick and may even cause death, and then they won’t have anybody to sell their food to, so in reality, they’ll end up losing money.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The college experience...

My truth from last week was that I barely turned 18!!! Your guys’ guesses were very amusing! I loved reading them! Thanks for playing! =]

My semester started off very easy, like how most school years start. I soon realized that the college work load was going to be much harder than what I was used to. I also realized that my study habits were not as good as they should be. I’m having a much harder time on some certain tests that I’ve taken. A lot of my work is beginning to catch up with me, from studying, cleaning up, homework, and more studying, it just wears me out. I know that other people have a much harder time than I do so I’m going to stop complaining, because things can be much harder for me.

Other than all of the work, my first semester in college is going great, although the whole “friends” situation is different, for example: I don’t know almost everyone in my classes, which is kind of a bummer, but the whole experience overall is a good one. I’ve met some new people, who are very nice, but I think that that’s all they’re going to be. College is more of a solo act, you don’t have all of your friends anymore to walk to class with, and so it can be kind of lonely sometimes.

For the most part, I love the schedule of college, how you get to pick your classes and the times in which you want to go to school. The first two days of the week, I only have one class in the day, and Tuesday and Thursday I have two classes, and I have Fridays off. Because I have a lot of work during the day, I love the fact that I always have a 3-day weekend! =]

I stay motivated by my dreams. I want to become a vet very much, and I want to move up to UC Davis in 2 years, and I know that I have a lot of classes that I need to take before I can make it there. What also keeps me going is my mom. She’s worked so hard for my siblings and I to make something of ourselves in this world, so most of all, I do not want to let her down.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Bet You Can't Figure it Out =]

Take your Best Shot =]

1.) I've broken my bones

2.) I have my own car

3.) I'm almost 18

4.) I've been snowboarding

5.) I've had more than 4 dogs at one time

6.) I don't have my own room

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Friends and my Best Friendss ♥

Friends...A lot of people have them, and some only have real friends. Going into High School, I never really thought of myself as having true best friends. I only thought that I would end up with just a lot of friends that would come and go in and out of my life. I never really thought that there was truly anyone I could trust. While experiencing my first two years of high school, I had yet to find that one true friend. I've come across alot of friends that have made my high school fun and memorable, but not many of them have stuck around after high school was over. Even though I can't really call alot of my friends my best friends, they still mean alot to me and my life would not be the same without them. At the moment, I can't say I have thousands of friends, but I have enough to make me happy, and I am grateful that every one of my friends are in my life. I don't know what I would do without them.


                                                          Best Friends

Sidney and I @ Sadiez =]

Buddy Pictures
Now starting my junior year, I came across one girl, Sidney Walker,...who changed my thoughts on true best friends. Not only was she only a year younger than me, but she was also a freshman. Despite our grade difference, she soon became one of my best friends and still is till this day. Sidney and I are like inseperable, we're always hanging out and on the phone. This girl can get pretty boring at times, but she is always there for me when I needed to talk to her. I can call Sidney my true best friend. But before she came along, I had met this other girl, Maritssa Contreras, my freshman year during basketball season, and we were just teammates at first, and I never really thought about her being my best friend. As time went by, Maritssa and I have become closer than before. We are always going places, going out to eat just because we're hungry for toppers pizza. =]  I remember when she told me that she didn't belive in best friends because they always stab you in the back one way or another. So ever since then, I have been calling her my bestie. I still don't think that maritssa believes in best friends, so I will continue to call her my bestie until she changes her mind. At one point, it was always like I would only be able to hang out with either Sidney or Maritssa, but never at the same time because they really didn't talk to each other, or know each other as a matter of fact. I would constantly talk to each of them, trying to get one of them to talk to the other. Next thing you know, I am able to hang out with both of them at the same time, which is perfect with me.

Senior Sunset:)

My Bestie and I at Disneyland!!! =]

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marijuana Laws

To answer the question:"Should marijuana laws be relaxed?", I say No, because the possession and intent to sell rate is already high enough as it is now, and if the laws are relaxed, the numbers will shoot through the roof. So many people now have become addicted to smoking marijuana, and selling it to make a quick buck, but what we don't see is the future of this addiction. The more people that use and sell it, the more it gets around and is exposed to the future generation. If it continues to be like how things are now, the future might as well be labeled as addicted to marijuana.
Due to the fact that Armentano and Dupont both made some very good points, I agree with both of them. Now what I'm not doing is agreeing with both sides 100%. When Armentano stated that it costs about $10, 400 per arrest, estimating now to about $7.6 billion, I think that officers should relax on those who have possession, over those with intent to sell. I also agreed with the fact that basically no substance is harmless, even the ones that are legal and are supposed to be helping us.
On the other hand, Dupont made some good points for his position aswell. Marijuana is definitely a dangerous drug all around the world. I think that it is amaing how only about .7 percent of the total population of prisoners of 1.2 million people, were serving time for possession hen it is clear that so many more people are in possession of this drug. I think that it is very interesting that although many people know the risks of smoking marijuana such as: "Burning marijuana smoke contains higher amounts of some cancer-causing chemical than tobacco smoke, reduces memory,increases the risk of schizophrenia, generates paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks and brething troubles."
I wonder, after reading these risks, if they would still continue to smoke, and if they do, then is the feeling of being high really worth the risks to them? If you ask me, I would stay away from that stuff completely, but to each it's own, and it's their life to live, that's why God gave me my life to live and make my own decisions.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My familyy

Family to most exceeds the blood relations. A lot of kids say that their best friends are their brothers or sisters. To me, family can be those people who you love and care about most. Family means everything to me. They are the ones that you can always count on when things go wrong. My mom reminds my siblings and I of that every chance she gets. She always tells us that my brother and I can focus mainly on our friends, but she will always tell us that when something goes wrong and were in trouble, it is always her who is there to fix it. She always asks us where our friends will be when things go bad, but we never answer because we know that it is a rhetorical question.

 When my brothers, my sister and I were younger, we used to be pretty close. We hung outside in front of our house and played baseball, dodgeball, and football together. Whenever my brothers hung out with their friends, they would let me come along sometimes. Whenever I needed some help with a project that I was doing at the time, they would do what they can to help me finish. If there were some things that were too big for me to handle, they would take over for me.

Comparing how my siblings and I are now, things have changed drastically over time. What once was is not anymore. Since my oldest brother moved out to LA, I have barely been speaking to him since.  He moved out over 4 years ago, and I have practically only seen him about 20 or so times. Whenever he comes down to visit, he only stays for the weekend and then he’s out leaving again. He usually comes down on long holidays, and the most he’s stayed was about a week. Looking at how things are now, it kind of makes me think about how we are going to be in the next 5 or so years.

My family is not as close as others, or as close as we should be, but we know that when we need each other, we’ll always be there to help. Although we can treat each other pretty bad sometimes, we eventually get over it and move on because we don’t want to waste time being upset at each other.  Whenever we get the chance to all be together as a family, it’s one of the best times I can have.